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Anand Mahangoe

Beast on the Basta

The people from the last Axe Fest will remember his presentation for sure. Dialed in a preset in just a few clicks and played Steve Vai's - For The Love Of God.


This time he's gonna make it even easier: Default.

Default settings, amp, cab, effects.

But don't be misguided by that term. Anand will show you that with mostly defaults you get everything, but a default sound and you don't have to be a tweaker with the Axe-Fx per se.


Anand Mahangoe:

Solo Artist


Basta Guitars Endorser Beta tester




Jon Symons


Let's get digital

That can be only one guitarist. Jon Symons.

And if you recognize that face maybe it's from the well known Dutch band Intwine.


Played longer on digital gear than with tubes. 

So he's the one who can take you through a tour in the world of digital gear and recording.


Guitarist, singer and producer for the band VALHELLA

Check his Soundcloud page.


Beta tester: Fractal Audio, OwnHammer






Alexander van Engelen


Walking Fractal Knowledgebase

Many know Alexander as 'yek' on the Fractal forum where he not only answers many questions of users, but also recently started the invaluable

"Fractal Audio AMP models" thread.


Not to forget the founder of Axe-Wiki.

A huge collection of all the knowledge there is to find about the Fractal products.


And co-organizing this event. I don't know where he finds the time to do also demo's on the Axe Fest....

You better don't worry about that, but be prepared for a LOT of useful information!


Beta tester: Fractal Audio, OwnHammer



Markus Hohmann


Mr. Cab Driver

Don't call him for a Taxi however.

This is the man who drives speakercabs to their limit

so you can call him for everything about IR's instead.

You could try "Axe-Fx Nerd", he might listen also ;)


All the way from Germany.

Fractalized since 2009, Markus founded the german independent (die deutschsprachige Axe-Fx Community) Forum in 2012.

Also the founder and producer of IR's for 


Any IR questions left after his workshop?

We have a slight idea you won't.



Axe-Fx Consultant

Cab-IR producer and founder of 

Founder of


Carl Bergman



Organizer and presentator of the Dutch Axe Fest.


"I get a lot of energy organizing an event like this, and I love it to see the Fractal information spread between (future) users. And even more important, to bring together and meet and talk in real life with fellow guitarists and musicians who look for thát sound."





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